paul smith

美 [pɔ:l smɪθ]英 [pɔ:l smɪθ]
  • 网络保罗·史密斯;保罗?史密斯;香水
paul smithpaul smith
  1. The Paul Smith logo design was actually written by Zena , a friend of Paul , so handwritten trademarks need not be authentic signatures .


  2. On the ground floor , a purple " Paul Smith " polo-shirt from a Guangzhou factory was offered to your correspondent for 1285 yuan ( $ 200 ) , a price which eventually fell to 150 yuan .


  3. She would make broccoli taste like ice cream , paul smith bags !


  4. May I speak to Professor Paul Smith ?


  5. Mr. Stevenson , this is Paul Smith , a representative of the international business company .


  6. Fashion retailer Paul Smith relies on Microsoft 's data centers to back up its digital files .


  7. Perspective-taking once , paul smith eyewear , maybe they wouldn 't do acute action .


  8. Paul Smith already has a strong presence in Asia with stores in Hong Kong , Singapore , Taiwan , the Philippines and Korea .


  9. Also speaking at the conference will be Chelsea fc 's business affairs director , Paul smith , who will be talking about chelsea 's unique approach to the Chinese market .


  10. Mr Cameron could wear Paul Smith , whose " classic with a twist " approach fits with the " Conservative with a ( caring ) twist " brand .


  11. Giorgio Armani , who along with Paul Smith has dressed the England team in the past , has just signed a three-year deal to dress Bayern Munich .


  12. Sadie Kadlec , 28 , an assistant for the fashion brand Paul Smith , is favoring the company 's striped , belted halter maillot that plunges to the navel ;


  13. At liberty , says managing director ed burstell , sales are up 15 per cent year on year , thanks to bright , breathable fine cotton socks by labels including Paul Smith , Richard James and pantharella .


  14. My name is Paul . Is Mr. Smith in ?
